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1bong Peak
  • Writer's pictureSylvya Fournier

Triumph At The Summit: Scaling the Mighty Yeonginsan Mountain

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

As April unfolded its warm embrace, my husband and I geared up to take on the highest pinnacle in the Yeonginsan Natural Recreational Forest, the majestic Yeonginsan Mountain. Rising tall at a towering height of 1,194 feet, this giant amongst the hills awaited us with a promise of a thrilling adventure and breathtaking vistas.

The Road to Yeonginsan

We found ourselves at the foot of the mountain, absorbed in the vibrant ambiance that enveloped 16-26 ASAN SPA-RO, a location engulfed in the refreshing aura of Yeongin-myeon, Asan-si, located in the picturesque expanse of Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea. It was here that we began our ascent, fueled with the exhilaration of the challenge that lay before us.

A Journey Through 956 Steps

As the journey began, we faced the Herculean task of climbing not just a mountain but a meticulously constructed pathway comprising 956 steps. Each step we took echoed a rhythmic dance of human endeavor and the mountain’s stoic endurance. The ascent became a meditative sojourn, with our breaths syncing with the natural symphony orchestrated by the winds and rustling leaves.

As we scaled higher, the world unfurled beneath us in an expansive mosaic of earthy hues and vibrant green canvases that painted a living masterpiece with each advancing step. The pathways whispered stories of countless souls who had embarked on this journey before us, sharing tales of triumphs, reflections, and silent revelations as they too faced the mountain’s grandeur head-on.

Reaching the Peak

Upon reaching the summit, a sense of triumph engulfed us as we encountered the stone marker, standing as a testament to the mountain’s grandeur and the heights we had reached. Etched with the name ‘Yeonginsan’ alongside the elevation, the marker stood as a firm and unyielding symbol of victory, speaking of human perseverance and the ever-reaching desire to reach for the sky.

We took our time to soak in the magnificent vistas that unfolded before us, a vibrant tableau of nature in its full glory, a testimony to South Korea’s rich natural heritage. From this vantage point, the world appeared in harmonious synergy, a calming oasis of tranquility beckoning us to pause, reflect, and admire the journey undertaken and the milestones achieved.

Reflections from the Summit

As we lingered at the peak, we embraced the mountain’s nurturing spirit that whispered tales through the rustling leaves, singing hymns of ancient lands and narrating stories through the orchestral chorus of buzzing insects and chirping birds. Here, amidst the tranquil surroundings, we felt a deep connection with the land that bore witness to countless stories, dreams, and reflections through the ages.


Our descent from Yeonginsan carried with it a sense of fulfillment and a rich tapestry of memories woven from our collective experiences. As we looked back at our journey, we recognized the deeper connection forged with each other and the sacred land that hosted our arduous but rewarding journey.

As we concluded the fourth chapter in our ambitious 22 peaks in 22 weeks challenge, Yeonginsan Mountain bestowed upon us a rich mosaic of experiences, nurturing our spirits with its majestic presence and whispering the eternal stories of the land in our eager ears, leaving us with a profound respect for the journey and an eager anticipation for the peaks that lay ahead in our path of exploration.


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