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1bong Peak
  • Writer's pictureSylvya Fournier

Goyongsan: Scaling Black Diamonds and Embracing Majestic Views

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

The Ascent to Black Diamond

Goyongsan, endearingly nicknamed by Jon as the “Black Diamond” during our hike, was next on our list for the 22 Peaks in 22 Weeks Challenge. Nestled in Yeongin-myeon, this beautiful mountain stands tall at 970 feet, known for its stunning scenery, especially during the fall season.

Embarking on the Adventure

On a sunny April morning, we set out to conquer Goyongsan, equipped with an adventurous spirit and a keen anticipation to witness the panoramic vistas from the summit. With each step we took, the pathway unfolded to reveal a mesmerizing palette of nature's colors, painting a vibrant prelude to the scenic bounty awaiting us atop.

The Challenge of the Climb

As we journeyed further, the trail introduced us to a dynamic range of terrains – some paved and gentle, while others posed a thrilling challenge. In some sections, we found ourselves carefully scaling boulders, with ropes offering a guided (and much-needed) support as we navigated the steep ascents that earned Goyongsan its “Black Diamond” moniker.

Every pull on the rope, every calculated step taken brought a surge of adrenaline, fueling our zest to reach the pinnacle. It was a physically demanding task, yet it brought a sort of joy and exhilaration that only true adventure enthusiasts can understand. The kind of joy that turns obstacles into fun challenges and every arduous step into a lively dance.

Reveling at the Pinnacle

Finally reaching the peak, we were welcomed by a solemn stone marker, bearing the name and elevation of the mountain, a gentle reminder of our accomplishment and the heights we had scaled. We paused here, absorbing the monumental achievement it signified, before shifting our gaze to the real reward — the enthralling views extending beyond.

It felt like we were on top of the world, as we soaked in the breathtaking panoramic views. The lush canopy stretched below, a vast expanse of rolling hills kissed by the soft shadows of floating clouds. The vibrancy of colors, the intricate patterns woven by nature, and the delicate balance of the ecosystem laid bare before us, left us in silent admiration of the marvels of mother earth.

Reflections Amidst Nature’s Grandeur

As we sat there, immersing ourselves in the peaceful grandeur, the play of sunlight and shadow, the whispering wind, and the singing birds created a harmonious symphony, marking our personal victory and the celebration of nature’s grandeur.

Jon’s playful chant of “Black Diamond” echoed in our ears, bringing a warm smile as we realized how this journey, sprinkled with laughter, little victories, and a shared sense of accomplishment, had added another golden chapter to our hiking saga.

A Beautiful Descent to Remember

The descent, though less demanding, was no less beautiful, offering us a calm space to reflect on our adventures thus far. The mesmerizing landscapes provided a perfect backdrop as we chatted about the day’s events, our muscles echoing the joy of the day’s exertions.

Homeward Bound with Golden Memories

As we reached the base, a sense of fulfillment enveloped us, rich with the knowledge that we had successfully conquered yet another peak in our adventurous journey. With hearts full of joy and minds buzzing with the ‘Black Diamond’ adventure, we headed home, eagerly anticipating the trails and adventures that awaited us in our 22 peaks challenge, with spirits higher and bonds stronger than ever before.


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