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1bong Peak
  • Writer's pictureSylvya Fournier

At the Threshold of Wonder: Conquering the 2Bong Peak

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

The Second Summit

Our 22 Peaks in 22 Weeks journey has been a series of magnificent canvases, each painting a scene more enchanting than the last. On this occasion, we found ourselves traversing the exhilarating paths of the second peak in the Palbongsan series – the magnificent 2Bong. Elevated at 886 feet, this summit transported us to an otherworldly dimension where the grandeur of the Yellow Sea unfurled before our very eyes.

Ascension to the Pinnacle

The journey to the peak was a thrilling blend of strenuous stair-climbing and navigating paths amongst imposing boulders. Gratefully, railings guided us through the most demanding stretches, leading us onward and upward to the grandeur that awaited at the summit. Each step took us higher, forging a path through a sea of stone, an exquisite gallery of nature’s sculpture, promising the awe-inspiring vistas at the pinnacle.

Arriving at the summit was nothing short of a revelation. The marker stone greeted us, confirming our triumph over the second peak and etching another successful chapter in our adventurous saga. Standing tall amidst the artistic landscape of boulders, the stone served as a silent witness to our journey, granting a sense of accomplishment and marking our presence in the sacred highlands.

A Spectacle of the Yellow Sea

But it was the breathtaking panorama of the Yellow Sea that truly crowned our ascent, offering a scenic reward that surpassed all expectations. The vast expanse of water stretched infinitely, a serene oceanic canvas that evoked a deep sense of tranquility and wonder, inviting us to pause and appreciate the beauty of the present moment.

A Sunset to Remember

As the day neared its end, we descended the peak, hearts full but eager for more. Yet, as if to bid us a fond farewell, the sky graced us with one final surprise. In a race against time, we hurried back to 2Bong and were blessed with a miraculous sight. The horizon embraced the sun as it embarked on its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange, purple, and pink, setting the Yellow Sea aflame with reflections of its warm goodbye kiss. It was a spectacle of nature in its most majestic form, a fitting closure to a day of exploration and wonder.


With the sunset engraved in our hearts, we bid farewell to 2Bong, taking with us cherished memories and a rejuvenated spirit, ready to face the mysteries of 3Bong, the next peak in our Palbongsan adventure.

As we continue this unprecedented journey of discovery, the Palbongsan series unfolds like a living narrative, with each peak adding a new chapter to our story of adventure and exploration. With 2Bong, we have forged not just a path through stone but a journey through wonder, leaving us in eager anticipation of the tales yet to be written in the illustrious chapters of peaks to come.


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